Seven Oaks School

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We are Seven Oaks

The Seven Oaks School was established in April 1994 in the memory of Mrs. Somita Ganguli, a dedicated teacher and a fond parent, to impart high quality education to students of all nationalities and religious convictions.
The laudable objectives of the 'Somita Ganguli Educational Society' in setting up of the institution were commended by the then President of India Dr. Shankar Dayal Sharma, who extended his warm wishes to the venture.
Affiliated to THE COUNCIL FOR THE INDIAN SCHOOL CERTIFICATE EXAMINATIONS, NEW DELHI, the School is a non profit institution with a charitable status. Funds generated by the School are utilized for the improvement of infrastructure, development of academics and extra curricular facilities. Deserving children are provided with generous financial assistance in line with the School's objectives of value added mass education.
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    Posted by: Unknown Posted date: 20:49 / comment : 0

    seven oaks schoolMeeting Parents

    Parents are welcome to come and discuss their problems related to their wards if any, with the staff of the school and the Principal after prior appointment. A regular communication between the Parents and the Teachers is essential in the interest of your ward, together we can help our children overcome their short falls, if any. Productive interaction between the teacher and the taught paves a way for the success of the latter. For the new academic year we wish to revive the "Parent Teacher Chambers" to discuss and resolve strategies for the welfare of the students. This will certainly bring the Parent Community closer to the school functioning.
    There is an imminent need for restoration of values such as honesty, hard work, dignity of labour, compassion, empathy, good conduct and adaptability as qualities that help the students become well adjusted, resourceful individuals. In the context, 'Value Education' will be imparted by impressionistic and emulation techniques.
    Assessment Pattern will be as follows (Grades II + III)
    Periodic ISeptember End
    Periodic IDecember Begining
    FinalsMarch Begining
    Unit Assessment will be conducted as follow for Grades II + III
    April + MayU1Spread over 2nd to 3rd week of May
    July + AugustU2Mid August
    October + NovemberU3Last week of October
    January + FebruaryU42nd week of February followed by mock revision for the Finals

    Grade IV - XII

    Evaluation Programme : School follows the comprehensive cumulative assessment methodology for analyzing the students progress.
    Quarter I3rd week of May
    Quarter II3rd week of September
    Quarter III2nd week of December
    Finals1st week of March onwards

    Unit Test (30 Marks)
    Unit 2spread over 2nd and 3rd week of August
    Unit 3spread over 2nd and 3rd week of November
    Unit 42nd week of February

    Final Evalution
    System of Cumulative assessment (Classes IV to VIII)
    Average of Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4, (CAA) 60% of CAA + 20% Project + 20% Presentation skills.
    Formal Assessment(Classes IV & V)
    P1 Project (All projects in the sme file. To be given as holiday Homework)
    P2 Project Subject teachers to give marks to students as per the experiments/projects done by students in group activity. every group for P2 (class work) will comprise of 5 students for strength of 40 students, the teacher must have 8 projects in hand.
    P2 will be done in month of November 2nd week.

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